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Case Study

Engaging Employees in Wellness


TechnipFMC launched the "FocusOnYou" campaign to improve mental and physical health of its employees. Designed to encourage and involve employees, the campaign was endorsed by executive leaders and management, delivering very successful results.

TechnipFMC is a leading technology provider to the traditional and new energy industries, delivering fully integrated projects, products, and services. As part of its plans to mitigate the health risk of the TechnipFMC workforce, the company conducted biometric health screening for approximately 400 employees in Kuala Lumpur. The screening identified several health risk factors, including raised cholesterol and blood glucose levels, and baselines were established for physical activity, obesity, absenteeism, presenteeism, and perceived stress. A tailor-made wellness campaign called FocusOnYou was then launched. The 12-month campaign aimed to improve both physical and mental health.

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