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Oil Gas


Managing Health for Field Operations in Oil and Gas Activities

All companies, whether operators or contractors, have a commitment to protect and promote the health of those affected, either directly or indirectly, by field operations in the oil and gas industry. This is best achieved by establishing an effective health management system. The purpose of this document is to assist companies working within this sector to achieve and maintain high standards of health management for all people associated with field operations. This document supersedes the previous edition published by OGP in May 2003. The aim has been to simplify and integrate into one document the recommendations that the OGP/IPIECA Health Subcommittee considers essential for optimal health management, from conception and throughout the entire duration of a field operation. The following section on Health management systems provides a basis for the establishment of an effective health management system. The subsequent sections provide guidance on the specific occupational health aspects of such a system which should be applied during field operations in oil and gas activities, as described in the OGP/IPIECA report number 393, Health performance indicators: a guide for the oil and gas industry